Friday, May 20, 2011

Montreal, QC: Greek consulate disrupted in solidarity with anarchists and immigrants


On Monday, May 16th a dozen people created a disruption at the Greek consulate in downtown Montreal located at 1002 Sherbrooke West on the 26th floor. We entered the office chanting slogans of solidarity to anarchists and immigrants facing heavy repression at the hands of the Greek state and organized fascists. Furniture and plants were overturned and hundreds of fliers were scattered. One office employee attempted to detain a comrade but failed. Outside people displayed a banner stating "(A) Flics-Porcs-Assassins, Solidarité contre la reprèssion d'État en Grèce" and handed out fliers.

Text from the flier:

In Athens, Greece, during a general strike on May 11th against extensive economic restructuring led by the IMF, the repressive forces of the Greek state brutally attacked the strike demo. Dozens were hospitalized and one man was so severely beaten he fell into a deep coma and is on life support.

In addition, a Greek man was killed on May 10th in a largely immigrant district, triggering a police-sponsored fascist pogrom that is still taking place in the immigrant neighborhoods. Immigrants had their car windows smashed out while they were driving, many have been beaten on the street, a Pakistani family had their house fire-bombed, and a 21 year old immigrant was murdered by fascists. The police have been directly sponsoring and protecting this racist terror and have also cooperatively attacked anarchist social spaces which have been showing direct solidarity to the migrants by physically confronting this fascist pogrom in the streets.

In times of economic crisis, immigrant populations are often used as scapegoats as an outlet for people’s frustrations with austerity measures. Such racist and nationalist ideologies have always served to prevent solidarity between immigrants and those “native-born” exploited who persist in the delusion that they have more in common with the masters who exploit them.

In Canada, with a different intensity but following the same logic, immigrants are swept off the streets, jailed, and deported according to the needs of capitalism and social control. The raids, border walls, and detention centers serve to terrorize all immigrants into accepting their current conditions, just as prisons and police terrorize everyone into accepting the current order.

Here, like elsewhere, resistance movements that pose a threat to the continuation of capitalism find themselves necessarily in conflict with the police. As anarchists, we want to destroy police, prisons and the world of exploitation that creates them, which steals away the capacity to create our lives on our own terms.

Cops, Pigs, Murders
Solidarity with anarchists & immigrants in Greece.
Let’s destroy the repressive machine wielded against all of us.


  1. I am an AMerican How can i get in contact with the Collective i wish to help. I wan't to join the fight for freedom!

  2. if someone wants to communicate with us, please contact on
